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Completed Projects
Service for a circular economy in solar, Green Clean Solar provides all you need to accomplish your waste management and diversion goals. We prioritize safety, reuse, and recycling and provide insights and reporting for your sustainability reports.
Full Scope Waste Management included cardboard and wood pallet recycling, full-time support crew, equipment, data collection, reporting, and management.

Decommissioning Services - Recycling and removal of decommissioned BESS, concrete blocks, and transformers, including crew, logistics, and removal management.

Full Scope Waste Management of Cardboard, Wood Pallets, Plastic, and Metal. Broken solar panels were also collected and recycled during this project. When the project was complete, the client received a report indicating that their recycling efforts were broken down by material.
TAIBAN, NM, 50 MW Wind
Wind recycling for foundational testing materials. Wind pile tests were recycled, and rebates were shared with the client to offset costs.

Brimfield, MA, 2MWac
Inverter and Combiner Box Recycling. On this project, we helped the client remove and recycle inverters that caught fire and old combiner boxes that were no longer operational. Following the project, the client was given an ESG Report to see the impact of their recycling efforts.

Fryeburg, ME 6.9MW, Wells, ME 6.5MW
Community Solar Module Recycling - Damaged solar panels and waste, totaling 14.11 tons and comprising 512 modules, were removed from two recently constructed community solar sites in Fryeburg (6.9MW) and Wells (6.5MW). Rather than going to a landfill, the solar panels were diverted for recycling.

Multisite Module Recycling from nationwide warehouses. For this project, we helped the client coordinate with their clients to pick up and recycle broken panels across the country from the West Coast to the Northeast and East Coast. The execution happened all in one day, and multiple trucks were deployed to pickup panels from each location, relieving all clients of their broken panel waste. The results were tracked, and an ESG report was produced to show the impact of their recycling efforts.

Ithaca, NY
At Cornell University, donated broken panels served as materials for testing floating panel impact on aquatic life.

A disaster struck at this solar farm, and our crew showed up to support the client in removing and recycling damaged panels. Our crew documented each serial number for insurance purposes and helped the client clean up their site and recoup their losses through insurance.